Top Weird Defence Mechanisms Of Animals - 2

Top Weird Defence Mechanisms Of Animals - 2

  • Bombardier beetles

Bombardier beetles spray on a sexy poisonous liquid right on their own predators. It does not only stink like this of a stink bug, but also the compound liquid of hydroquinones and hydrogen peroxide may do severe harm to the attacker.

  • Hagfish

After the fish is compromised, it excretes slime through its pores. The slime combines with all the water round and expands to a cloud, which seals or suffocates the predator from flushing its gills. In many occasions, the hagfish is instantly spat out and can be unharmed. But this slime is not infinite! Its slime glands require 3--4 months to refill, thus the fish could get at risk in that interval. 

  • sea cucumber 

These organs are tacky and might have chemical toxins that may prove deadly to the predator. As sea cucumbers are echinoderms, they could regrow their thrown out body parts in 6 months.

  • Western Hognose snakes

They are the drama queens of this serpent world! They flip upside down pretending to be lifeless and secrete a foul-smelling liquid that deters their predators. The funniest part is, even in case you pick this up and put it down, it is going to instantly get upside down and keep its own play. It's decided to convince its departure! 

  • Slow Loris

The adorable animal, Slow Loris, creates a toxin from a molecule in its own internal arms. When threatened, it places its paws on its mind and hisses very similar into a cobra. If jeopardized more, it is going to suck the venom out of its armpits and hit readily. Their snacks have also proved to be deadly to people.


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